Missions Ministry

Missions, Evangelism, and Ministry is important to Southern Baptists, and very important to First Baptist Church.  As a church body, we support the Cooperative Program of our Missouri Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention by giving 10% of our undesignated receipts to those ministries; with an additional 4% to our Saline Baptist Association; and receive special offerings through the year for our International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Missouri Mission Work, and World Hunger Offering.

In addition to our International, National, State, and County concerns; First Baptist attempts to be very aware and involved in doing missions and ministry in our community.  We are involved in the benevolent ministries of the Marshall Ministerial Alliance and provide resources for our own direct assistance to those in need through financial assistance, Clothes Closet, and Food Pantry.

The Women’s Missionary Union is our primary means of accomplishing the task.  The WMU challenges our fellowship to Pray for Missions, to Learn about Missions, to Give to Missions, and to Become Involved in Missions.  Throughout the year the WMU promotes special emphases to help us do the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) of our Lord.