Music Ministry

Worship Choir

The Worship Choir is for anyone who would like to participate in the worship leadership.  It is helpful to have a little bit of musical knowledge, but definitely not essential.  Our purpose is to join with others in expressing our praise to God and to be a blessing to others in the Church Family.

The Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings after the 1000 AM Worship.  See Wayne, or some other choir member for details.  The Choir enhances the 10:00 worship experience on Sundays by assisting with the congregational singing and the presentation of special music.

Praise and Worship Team

The Praise and Worship Team provides music for the 10:00 worship experiences on the third Sunday of the month.  They may also sing for other special events like the Church Picnic.  Their rehearsal times vary, and Carl Crawford coordinates this ministry.

Handbell Ministry – – Jubilee Ringers

Through the years, the handbell choir has been a very important ministry to our worship, providing opportunities for individuals to use their gifts and talents in service to the church family.  In more recent years, with inclusion of the blended worship, we now focus upon one choir of eleven ringers.  If you would like to participate, see Wayne for information.

The Jubilee Ringers will rehearse from September to April on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM and possibly play on the first and fourth Sundays of the month.

Special Music

Solos, ensembles, and other groups may be included and scheduled in worship or at other special events throughout the year.  If you have a gift that you would like to share or be a blessing to God, contact Wayne for scheduling.

Meet Our Accompanists

As they give of themselves to serve our Church’s Needs

Wanda Thomas assumed the responsibility of Church Organist in May, 2021.  She has played for our congregation on previous occasions, and has a rich background of accompanying other churches in our association.  Wanda also plays the keyboard for the Praise and Worship Team, plays the piano for Wednesday night service and accompanies the Worship Choir for their special music.

Church Pianists – – Margaret McCampbell, Pam King, and Marina Garay serve as our Church Pianists, accompanying our 10:00 Worship.  They are a special blessing with hearts to serve our congregation . . . seeing a need, they are willing to serve.

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As a Remembrance

Gayle Charles (1955-2007), was the wife of Larry, daughter of Vernon & Clareca Maxted, and mother of Jenny, Kindra, and Amy.  Gayle began serving as our Church Pianist in July 1986.  Gayle also taught an Adult Sunday School class, she was involved in many aspects of our Church’s life, and she served the Carroll & Saline Baptist Association.  Gayle was a tremendous blessing to the music ministry of First Baptist and to all with whom she served.

Kathy Peuster, (1953-2011) served as a part-time organist and assisted on Sunday evenings.  Kathy grew up at First Baptist Church.  After retiring from the Marshall Habilitation Center, Kathy also helped with Meals on Wheels, the Clothes Closet, and in the Children’s Sunday School ministry.